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Summer Berry Picking with Friends

Over the July 4th holiday weekend, we visited our friends at their farm. Enjoying the warm weather, we went berry picking nearby, gathering strawberries and olallieberries. Olallieberries are similar to blackberries, but a little more tart. They’re ripe enough if they come off the stems easily.

I loved how the guys had different basket sizes (supplied by their respective spouses lol). Irving and I brought this mini picnic basket. We easily gathered around 10lbs of each berry combined.

If I had to compare, I loved strawberry picking more. There’s a little more scavenging to find the perfect berries, which in some ways, makes me appreciate them more. They were super sweet, straight off the plant. In particular, I went for all the mini, bright red and shiny ones.

We headed to their pie and antique shop after this. Later that evening, we made jam over the stove and late into the night to ensure it solidified. We canned a few the morning after and distributed a few to some friends and family. It was a fun experience that I hope to do again soon. There’s something about being in the sun, picking fruit with good friends that leaves you feeling wholesome.