Unwinding on the Pottery Wheel


As the days run busier, I continue to remind myself to rest and refresh in between. I often find comfort in simply creating something, whether physical or shared experiences. So over the week, I organized a pottery night with my coworkers and together all eighteen of us who attended churned out several pots in varying sizes.

While it’s hard to explain in words, there is something undeniably soothing working with your hands - the feel of clay sliding along your fingers as the wheel turns and turns. You are once lost and free as you mold a form with your hands, utterly at peace creating something perfectly imperfect, but entirely your own.


I can’t say I’m particularly good at pottery, but something I definitely enjoy and hope to get better with practice. If you’ve never tried the pottery wheel before, look for some studios nearby and sign up for a class! The studio we visited is located in San Francisco called Smaart Gallery. Cheers!

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